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Renewed hostel in Brussels

21 September 2017
Wednesday September 20th , was the official opening of the renewed and extended Bruegel hostel in Brussels. Bruegel is one of the oldest hostels in Belgium, so after 35 years of intensive use, the building needed some renovations.

Visit Brussels

Are you looking for a good budget hotel in Belgium? Our hostels allow you to travel on a low budget. Discover our locations and book your room!
Are you looking for budget-friendly accommodation for your trip to Belgium? Stay in one of our 18 hostels for the biggest comfort at a low price.
Dream. Explore. Discover.
The Vlaamse Jeugdherbergen vzw (Flemish Youth Hostels or VJH), is the umbrella organisation for 18 youth hostels in Flanders. The non-profit organisation is a member of Hostelling International (HI), the largest network of youth hostels in the world.
We help you find suitable and affordable accommodation for your holidays in Flanders. Book one of our 18 hostels for the best holiday experience.
De VJH lidkaart is meteen ook een internationale kortingskaart.
Contact the main office or one of our hostels in Flanders.
If you are looking for a hostel in Belgium, our organisation is the place to be. Discover our 18 unique and cosy hostels in all corners of Flanders.
